SR JATIM.CO.ID, Nganjuk – Toko Emas Subur melebarkan sayapnya dengan membuka cabang kedua di Jalan Raya Achmad Yani Nomor 65, Kelurahan Warujayeng, Kecamatan Tanjunganom, Kabupaten Nganjuk, Sabtu (22/2/2025). Grand opening toko emas ternama di Kota Angin ini tampak meriah dengan Baca Selengkapnya
Kategori: Bisnis
Pelaku Usaha WiFi di Nganjuk Bakal Gigit Jari, Jika Tak Segera Urus Izin Pemasangan, Tiang akan Dicabut
SR JATIM.CO.ID, Nganjuk – Pemerintah Kabupaten Nganjuk melalui Dinas Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPTSP) bersama Sapol PP melakukan penygelan tiang pelayanan internet Wifi di sejumlah titik di wilayah Nganjuk. Sebanyak 32 usaha penyedia layanan internet WiFi ilegal di Kabupaten Nganjuk Baca Selengkapnya
Technician Education Can Fuel Financial Success
It doesn’t take a college degree to understand that a four-year education may not be the end-all and be-all it once was, according to a new survey of U.S. high school students. With rising costs for higher education, and the Baca Selengkapnya
Carrageenan: Sustainability From Farm to Table
Over 200,000 tons of dried, farmed, tropical seaweed are produced every year. The majority of the world’s red seaweed is farmed by nearly 60,000 family farmers in Africa, the Philippines and Indonesia. These families apply sustainable farming techniques that help Baca Selengkapnya
Instead of a Sports Fan, Become a Sports Participant
It’s home run time. From spring training through the World Series in October, baseball fans are glued to their flat screens. Vascular surgeon David H. Stone, M.D., encourages arm chair enthusiasts to get into the game. “Find your favorite summertime Baca Selengkapnya
Escape to the Caribbean for Stress-Free Holidays
Summer vacation season may be over, but it is never too soon to start planning a Christmas- season getaway. Christmas in the Caribbean means a stress-free change of scenery with warm weather and a serene setting. Calabash Cove, a secluded Baca Selengkapnya
New Car Technology May Take The Wheel out of Human Hands
Google has been making news in recent months for its work in a ground-breaking area: driverless automobile technology. A prototype of Google’s new self-driving car — a two-passenger electric vehicle with buttons to turn the vehicle on and off, but Baca Selengkapnya
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